Determining the sex of the chinchilla is possible from the first days of life. And do not believe those who tell you that these animals change sex when they become adults! The observation you make will be valid until the end of its life.

Gently turn your pet over and try to keep it on its back. By pressing him gently against you, he will be more reassured and will accept the situation more easily. If he struggles, however, be careful not to hurt him and get someone to hold him while you examine him.

To differentiate a male from a female chinchilla, you observe the distance between the two orifices that constitute the anus on the one hand and the sexual organ on the other hand. This distance is 1 cm in males. In females, everything is glued.

Chinchilla Breeding

The chinchilla is a fragile animal and it is preferable to reserve breeding to breeders. However, here is information that will allow you to know a little more about your adorable pet.

The chinchilla reaches sexual maturity at a different age depending on whether it is male or female: 4 to 5 months for females and 9 months for males.

But for a female chinchilla to have babies, it is best to wait until she has reached the end of her growth, namely 9 months, but also until she has reached the minimum weight of 500 grams. If you don’t wait until she reaches this age and weight, you are simply putting your little chinchilla in danger because pregnancy can lead to severe exhaustion, even death.

The breeding period extends from November to May i. It is the female who decides whether or not to mate. If the female repels the male, it is better to separate them because otherwise the two animals can fight to death.

Gestation lasts about 120 days. Given the extent of the reproductive period, a female can therefore have two litters per year because the female is fertile immediately after giving birth. But it is worth letting the female rest a bit and keeping the male away for a week or two. Baths in the ground are forbidden to him during the 3 days following the arrival of the little ones.

The birth lasts one to two hours. The female does not need help and breaks the umbilical cord herself. If the contractions persist when everything is over, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian quickly.

Once The Baby Chinchillas Arrives…

Litters have 2 babies on average, but their number can go up to 5. Babies are born with hair and their eyes open. They know how to move.

Their tail is a good indicator of vitality. If it does not curl upwards after 2-3 days of life, the baby is not doing well.

As with human babies, they can lose a little weight but must gain it quickly and regularly. If this is not the case, it is not necessary to delay feeding them with artificial milk. Babies will be weaned after 2 months.

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