The paradox of a chinchilla is to appreciate cuddles, but not necessarily like to be handled all the time. Taming it is relatively easy, provided you adapt to its character, needs and desires. Our advice for establishing a relationship.

Understanding Your Chinchilla’s Personality

Your chinchilla is an intelligent rodent, very curious and obviously affectionate. He should never be disturbed during the day, when he is resting. Indeed, it is a rather nocturnal animal , which wakes up at the end of the day to be lively at the beginning of the evening. Disturbing him during his sleep has the effect of harming his health and causing him to feel stressed and anxious.

This is the other side of your chinchilla. As curious as he is, he is also very fearful and subject to great stress. This can be a breeding ground for certain diseases.

In addition, your chinchilla is very sociable. He will appreciate having a congener by his side. For 2 males, they must be put together from an early age. Your presence will never replace that of a fellow human being.

The stages of taming

To properly tame your chinchilla and give it the freedom it craves in your home, you need to carefully follow several steps . Be patient.

  • Discovering your environment

When he arrives at your home, your chinchilla will have to adjust to his new surroundings . He finds himself in a new atmosphere . Naturally fearful and anxious, it is important not to add factors favoring the exacerbated development of these feelings in him. Thus, let him several days discover his cage, his accessories, take his normal rhythm of rest during the day and activity at night.

  • Tame him behind the cage

Following this discovery, you can start to start the discussion. Stand in front of your chinchilla’s cage in the early evening and talk to it. Call him by his name in a calm, relaxed voice. Then, as soon as he approaches the fence, hand him some treats through the fence (in moderation so as not to favor his overweight). He particularly likes rosehips.

As a reminder, your chinchilla is a curious rodent. It shouldn’t take long to come and taste it in the palm of your hand. If he does, it is important not to make any sudden gestures or even try to pet him so as not to frighten him. Also, never open his cage first. It will rush to its habitat to hide.

  • Tame him the open cage

Your chinchilla has become accustomed to eating from the palm of your hand. To take it to the next level, open the door to his cage, making sure he can’t escape. Then, this time place the food on your forearm. To grab it, he will have to climb. Repeat this gesture for one to several months.

  • Taming in freedom

Your chinchilla can now go out for several minutes a day outside the cage. It is also recommended to let him go about his business outside his cage for a good hour daily. The trust you have created is still fragile. To fully tame your chinchilla, it must come to you on its own once outside the cage. Don’t stand too far from him and hand him food on your forearm. He must not flee in your presence. Gently place a hand on his fur. He is normally already used to your smell.

What you should not do

For a complete taming without breach of trust between you, you must not:

  • Never run behind your chinchilla to catch it. He will get scared and run away. He will no longer see you as a good person for him.
  • Never carry it while holding its tail. It can hurt him a lot.

How to wear it?

There aren’t 36 ways to hold a chinchilla, unless you hurt it unintentionally. This way, you’ll place one hand on his hind legs. The other will come and lift him by his stomach.

Precautions to take in your home

Outside of its cage, your chinchilla will be interested in everything around it. Yes, he is curious! Thus, do not leave lying around any dangerous object that he could try to nibble. Hide all electrical wires. Do not leave your plants within reach, otherwise he will try to eat them. You should not leave any windows or doors open. He could get into it. He is an excellent acrobat. From then on, he can have access to your sofa , to your kitchen table.

In summary

Taming your chinchilla should be simple, although it usually takes quite a long time. Do not skip any steps or you will have to start all over again with more difficulty. Because on his side, he will have put up barriers. Trust will have to be regained. You must be patient. Remember that your chinchilla can live with you for 20 years. It is therefore crucial to have a healthy relationship between you.

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